Many patients experience discomfort when it comes to eye allergies. But if a patient wears contact lenses, these problems can intensify. A great option for these patients is daily disposable lenses and is recommended by many eye doctors. Allergens such as spores, dust, or pollen can easily enter your eye and stick to your lenses. Rubbing your eyes will only make the problem worse. So it is important to make sure your lenses stay clean at all times.
Dailies will allow you to have fresh, clean, and hassle-free lenses every day. And you won’t have to worry about allergens and other irritants sticking to your lenses and building up over time.
Additionally, keep rewetting drops with you wherever you go. Use them whenever you need them to help reduce the itchiness of eye allergies.
Of course, if your allergies continue for an extended period of time, or become more severe, schedule an appointment with your optometrist as soon as possible. If you have an infection or another eye condition, it is important to be treated immediately.